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DXC Technology

  • > 100,000 employees

Kristian Barnes

There are a lot of things I enjoy about my job, the simplest being, I enjoy having the chance to learn what is involved in a real-world full-time job and getting the opportunity to do so straight out of university.

Where did you grow up?

I started life in the western suburbs of Sydney around the Penrith area, I then moved to Nowra which is on the South Coast from Year 3 up until I finished Year 12, I then decided on a change of scenery and I’ve been in Canberra since 2018.

How did you get to your current job position? 

I’d been in my previous job for roughly six months and in the final days of my internship, I was looking for a new position.  I saw an ad for a graduate role at DXC and basically jumped in the deep end and applied…. and before I knew it, here I am.

What was your interview process like?

The interview process was quite simple. It was slightly different to the usual process for a graduate role as I didn’t go through an assessment centre. I was asked the typical questions you’d expect from any job interview “what experience do you have”, “why would you want to work for us” etc.

What does your employer do?

I am employed by DXC Technology, a global IT services company. I currently work on a customer site and address the requirements of our contract with them.

What are your areas of responsibility?

My main areas of responsibility are to address the concerns and expectations of the customer. This means that I use my skills and knowledge to deliver application sustainment.

Can you describe a typical workday?

As you could expect, every day is different when working in application sustainment. It all depends on what might happen, for example if something breaks, we keep it going for another day. But there are the usual tasks, checking emails, attending meetings, writing documentation and time to have the cheeky coffee break.

What are the career prospects with your job?  

The good part about working in this role and within the graduate program, is you have the chance to explore and ask questions. Before starting I didn’t really know what area I wanted to work in specifically, but the joys of the graduate program is I can work in a role and if I enjoy it I can continue. Otherwise, I can look into other roles that may be open within DXC Technology

Could someone with a different background do your job?

That’s the good thing about IT, there are a lot of people that have started doing one thing and transitioned to something else. I know someone who started out in Law and they’re now a software engineer. A big change, but not impossible. You’re not locked into one career your entire life.

What would your career be if you weren’t doing what you’re doing now?

If I wasn’t doing what I am currently doing, I would be a commercial airline pilot. Very different but it’s also another interest of mine.

What do you love the most about your job? 

There are a lot of things I enjoy about my job, the simplest being, I enjoy having the chance to learn what is involved in a real-world full-time job and getting the opportunity to do so straight out of university.

What’s the biggest limitation of your job?

Like any job, you may have to work after hours because of tight schedules to get work completed, knowing that everything has to be done right, otherwise is affects the customer.

A word to the wise...

There is honestly so much advice I can give, but the best I can think of is the following. One, never be afraid to fail. Failure is just a part of learning and don’t get too annoyed if you need to repeat something a couple of times. Two, if you have a question ask it, even if it goes against what other people are thinking, as the one question you may ask nobody may have thought of. And Three, just be yourself, have fun and be you.