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  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Gallagher

8.6 rating for Workplace, based on 7 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Office space location and facilities are all great. It is in North Sydney, the only improvement could be the view but that is only nit picking
Graduate, Sydney
There is lots of space and in a great location. The dress code is corporate attire.
Graduate, Sydney
Our offices are modern and clean with great kitchen facilities. Our dress code is corporate with casual Fridays,
Midlevel, Sydney
The North Sydney location is modern, open and well constructed. There are multiple levels used by the company in the building, and all are have great security measures for the safety of staff and equipment. There are clean and modern kitchens and bathrooms within each level. We all have a personal laptop that we use both in and out of the office to allow for off site work days. The dress code is corporate wear with some leeway for personal style and comfort, as long as you present neatly.
Graduate, North Sydney