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CRCC Asia Testimonial : David C

Employer Insight

David studied at The University of Western Australia and joined CRCC Asia Finance & Accounting Internships in Beijing.

“My internship in Beijing so far has been very useful, it has given me the chance to use the theoretical knowledge I’ve learnt at university in a practical environment. I have gained a lot of insight into the finance industry in China and general business in China, as well as finance all around the world.”

One of the highlights of the program was the KTV Karaoke night! Everyone has a lot of fun, everything is typically Chinese with everyone to have a lot of fun. It was a very enjoyable nights and one of my favourite nights of the entire program.”

I think the experience will boost my employability based on the fact that it has given me exposure to an international working environment. By actually being able to use the skills I have been learning at university I will be at an advantage over other applicants who haven’t yet had an internship like this.”