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  • > 100,000 employees

Salary at Genpact

8.0 rating for Salary, based on 9 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Experienced, Sydney
Could be better considered in the context of the revenue generated by an individual, but this is somewhat mitigated by the training and development opportunities which include formal certifications (i.e I've become certified in AWS) which are paid for.
Midlevel, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Challenging but achievable
Graduate, Sydney
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
included health care insurance
Experienced, Sydney
Health Insurance Coverage, $100/month telecom allowance
Midlevel, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Phenomenal views of the city and a great location.
Graduate, Sydney
Extensive health care coverage
Graduate, Sydney
Bupa one of the top insurances
Graduate, Sydney