Updating Results

Ramsay Health Care

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Ramsay Health Care

7.4 rating for Working Hours, based on 87 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
It's flexible but it takes me a long time to get here and back and my shgr are always 10+ hours
Graduate, Melbourne
56 hours, I want to extend more than 60 hrs if possible
Graduate, Gold coast
Not very flexible, I work alot of double shifts and often feel exhausted. I hardly ever get a weekend off or the opportunity to spend Christmas with my family.
Graduate, Brisbane
Great flexibility - very happy with this.
Graduate, Brisbane
Very flexible about shifts and swaps
Graduate, Gold Coast
My non clinical role is very flexible, my clinical role is not at all.
CNE, Sydney
It very much depends on the manager, I believe. Unless the job, by its nature, does not permit that much flexibility. My role is not always facing customers so I am pretty flexible to organise my work time the way I see fit.
Graduate, Brisbane
Very flexible
Graduate, Brisbane
Ward NUM is very flexible with work hours/overtime/leave requests
Graduate, Warners Bay
Work 32 hours a week, two 6hour Two 10ths
Graduate, Brisbane
My work hours are either 12 hour shifts of 8 hour shifts. I haven't experienced any difficulties in being able to move hours if required. I like the opportunity to be able to self-roster.
Graduate, Sydney
I work shift work. It is what it is.
Graduate, Wollongong
At Hollywood theatres, some of our educators only really want us to do our contracted 60 hours. This can be a financial burden and can make it harder to solidify skills. I would rather be contracted to 76 or at minimum 70 hours. If we do go over our 60 hours because managers have allowed us to pick up shifts we are asked quite consistently about why. I think if they were being more flexible at the one year mark they could offer us a change of hours and a choice in rotation hours. E.g allow us to do 40 hours a fortnight in our rotation and 36 hours in regular operating theatre lists.
Graduate, Perth
Since they change the NUM, I always have a problem with my roster.
Level 2/ Yr2, Sydney
Very flexible. No issues with hours or rostering.
Graduate, Brisbane
I am on a 0.6 FTE. It is harder when the shifts are clustered ie: 2 shifts one week and 4 consecutive the next. Otherwise, the work life balance is good. If you want to pick up additional hours it is fairly easy to facilitate this with the NUMs.
Graduate, Brisbane
Yes, my manager is flexible with when I go into the office and when I work. As long as I get my work done.
Graduate, Sydney
They have been very flexible.
Graduate, Wollongong
This is dependent on the time of month. End of the month can be very hectic with long work hours due to area of business I work in but there are other days where I have very light workload and can finish work early. The company is very flexible when it comes to hours. My manager is very accommodating about this so long as my work is completed.
Graduate, Sydney
I am a fulltime employee. However due to the nature of the hospital, hours fluctuate. Personally, I have very little issue with this and am happy to be flexible the majority of the time.
Graduate, Melbourne